In 1994 Over 60 Kids Claimed To Have Seen Aliens. Here's The Story

It would be easy to dismiss one kid running inside the house and yelling, "Mommy, mommy, I saw an alien!" It would even be easy to handwave five or six kids, especially if they're a band of friends or just mischief makers. But 62? Sure, kids believe in Santa Claus, but only because adults tell them he's real. But no one — not one single human — could possibly coerce, teach, or wrangle 62 kids into not only remembering and confessing the same story, but sticking to it. If anyone thinks differently, we'd like you to speak with any grade school teacher ever.

More to the point, the kids at Ariel School in Ruwa, Zimbabwe didn't have any adults around when they say they saw the aliens and UFO in question. As IFLScience explains, the 62 students were outside during recess playing on September 16, 1994, while the school faculty were inside having a meeting. It bears noting that Ariel School is located in the middle of nowhere, with nothing around it. The kids "live[d] in the country" with farmers for parents, as IFL Science says, in some cases not even having exposure to movies that might kindle visions of aliens. And in that short time outside during recess they either all saw the same thing and ran into the school screaming, or conspired to confuse the adults with a tale of silver UFO discs and telepathic aliens. 
