Kate Bosworth, slumpy Burberry fashion girl: boring, cute or tragic?


As I’ve mentioned before, there are few fashion houses that I think more highly of than Burberry. I absolutely love with Christopher Bailey has done with the label, but all great men have an Achilles’ heel. Bailey’s problem is that every talentless toothpick wants to wear Burberry, and they want to come to the shows too. I give a pass when it’s someone like Sarah Jessica Parker – for all of SJP’s faults, she loves fashion, and she knows a lot about it. But when the biggest “name” you’ve got at a Burberry show is KATE BOSWORTH, there are problems. Significant problems. Huge problems. Anyway, these photos are from outside of today’s Burberry show in London (it’s currently London Fashion Week). The Bos is wearing Burberry, of course, on her slouchy, emaciated body. And I don’t care that so many of you disagreed with me last Friday – I still think the bitch is jacking her lips, Lohan-style.



And if Kate Bosworth wasn’t enough of a completely useless, self-styled fashion girl-slash-famewhore, Burberry got a special deal: two boring girls for the price of one. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Rachel Bilson was there too.


Finally, you know it’s a sad day when I have to write this: Alexa Chung looked the best out of all of the useless girls. She completes The Trinity of Useless Famewhores.


Photos courtesy of WENN.
